True Success and Happiness

In a society of rapid development and high expectations, each of us wants to be successful, however, we increasingly forget that success without happiness and inner peace will be completely pointless.

During our evening session, we also took a journey within in order to discover the one thing that makes us most happy. In order to have as much success as possible, we started with a gentle warm up and an ancient traditional technique to calm down our minds.

Travelling deep uncovering our unconscious feelings and thoughts
Completely calm, we relaxed into a deep conscious sleep and then we met our true selves where we were profoundly happy and successful. It is easy to have a clear picture on a conscious level about what we want and need to succeed. However, we often ignore our unconscious thoughts and desires, which may influence our visions in a very unexpected way. With the help of a guided meditation, leading us to become more aware of our subconscious feelings, we were given a chance to tap into what we had been perceiving as genuine, true happiness and success, which we might not have realised yet consciously.

In order to be able to feel true happiness our awareness has to be developed first
Only after we managed to raise our awareness of what represented true happiness and success for us, could we then ground it with the help of physical exercises and actions. More importantly, we connected strongly as a group. Whilst standing quietly, focusing our entire attention on the intention of achieving our new goals, we compassionately offered our shoulders to each other, realising that everything is easier when we are connected and do things together!

Relaxed and rejuvenated, we had realised our own paths to happiness and success and had set our intentions to achieve these.

If you would like to experience one of our sessions in practice, join us or write to me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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