This autumn was very special as it was marked by a giant moon which we will not see again until 2034. This was a magical time, perfect for ceremonies of gratitude as well as meetings full of lightness, love and serenity. It symbolised the transition to winter time, which is when we should take time to ourselves and for our loved ones.
With the last rays of the sunset, as dusk started invading the space between two large ponds in the forest, it was slowly time for the full moon to rise. Embraced by tall trees, a gentle glowing light of candles flared up, while the scent of dried sage that we collected the previous summer spread throughout the forest. With our backs leaning against the tree trunks, staring at the bright red arrival of the full moon, our words of gratitude echoed into the forest, while the moon gently caressed and opened our hearts to love and compassion. Appreciating the beauty of life, people who surrounded us and the friendships that had passed the test of time, without any words spoken we continued to follow our own paths again. It was a beautiful ceremony, which awakened many long-lasting feelings and opened a sacred space for gathering in a women's circle.
Welcoming aromas and sounds opened a sacred space
Entering a warm space, lit by a gentle candlelight, filled with grounding and relaxing fragrances from distant lands, I was welcomed by the aroma of lovingly prepared hot ginger tea, which warmed me up and filled me with energy to create. From beneath my hands, a colourful mandala arose, connecting the centre of the circle, filled with playful crystals and autumn fruits. Beautiful melodies, filled with vibrations of love and bountiful relaxed laughter filled the air. A dozen ladies had joined for a wondrous meeting at the full moon, longing for gentle relaxation, to hear their inner teacher and express gratitude for all the gifts that had been brought to them throughout their lives.
During our circle, the Moon was visiting an Earth sign which meant it was very grounded and generous with its energy. This predicted a period when any efforts we made over the past weeks and months would finally pay off and that we could expect changes. In the reflection of the moonlight and with the help of subtle techniques to awaken our conscious movement, connecting with our breath and hearing the needs of our bodies, we first connected with ourselves and then, through a deep look into each other’s eyes. We gently awakened our circulation, let go of the old and opened up ready to receive the beautiful moments yet to come.
Feeling connected and relaxed, we all wished to stay longer
Our session ended with a symbolic response given by colourful cards, which helped us to centre and refocus, confirming what we have long known, yet were not ready to admit to ourselves. There was a feeling of a great relief, happiness and peace.
We left almost two hours after the end of the session and remained deeply connected as one throughout the entire night, the atmosphere we created was so beautiful, gentle and full of love.
If you want to experience softness, gentleness and lightness join us or write to me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..