Just as the light becomes less and the first snowfalls start to appear, winter comes around. This is the time when we slowly move inwards and visit our friends or family more often. This makes the long and cold days easier to bear. There is indeed a reason behind all the winter celebrations and much more.
Winter offers time for retrospection
In ancient times people devoted lots of their time to celebrations during the winter. Especially the time around the end of December, where Christmas also falls into. This is the time of winter solstice and the birth of the sun and from this day onwards it starts to become stronger and stronger.
Cold and calm months, when everything lies still to rest, offer a wonderful opportunity to turn inward, become more aware of your own potential, develop strategies for new projects and to get creative. Conscious movement, meditation, the use of aromatherapy, reading, drawing, painting and writing are just a few activities that can help you to better orient yourself. It is important to take sufficient rest and to regenerate for the spring when you light up and blossom fully. Remember, every seed carries potential with it, yet it depends on you whether you will realise its potential.
Simple tips for a sparkling, light and loving winter:
Drink Lots of Teas
It is recommended to drink lots of herbal teas, especially those you collected yourself in pure nature, with love and gratitude during spring and summer. As well as their healing properties their aromas and taste open a place of warmth and happiness in your heart, bringing back the memories and energy of joyful summer days.
Especially great for opening your heart, creating a positive mood and calming your mind are the following plants: thyme, lemon balm, mint, sage, chamomile and spruce tips. Echinacea can be added to boost your immunity, while ginger, cloves, cinnamon and rosemary stimulate your circulation, giving you enough energy to be active on cold winter days. For detailed recipes please check our section on Ayurveda.
No matter how healing and calming, it is advised not to drink too much herbal tea. 3–4 large cups of tea per day is enough. Also, each time you drink a cup of tea, consider drinking a glass of water with it, as most of the herbal teas cause increased extraction of water and toxins from the body.
Great scents for winter time, which will boost your mood and relax you at the same time are: orange, bergamot, cloves, ginger, pepper, rose, basil and cinnamon. Sage and cedar can be used to increase playfulness and joy, as well as for cleansing the space around you.
Sage and cedar oils are highly concentrated, so it is advised to use them only in small quantities. The essential oils of frankincense, patchouli and cedar can also be used to help you connect deeper with yourself, discover your potentials and to prepare your seeds for fruitful growth in spring.
Diet and Exercise
Try to choose whole grain cereals, lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, buckwheat, rye, or barley mixed with vegetables. Do not forget to exercise regularly, since in winter we tend to move less. Walking in nature, whilst focusing on your breath does not only help with relaxation but also stimulates greater concentration and efficiency. If at any point whilst walking, thoughts arise, redirect your attention back to your breath.
Celebration and Gratitude
It has been proven that human beings are hardly able to survive without human touch and company. There is an old belief that in order to live a healthy and happy life, we need to receive at least 12 hugs a day. Therefore, do not shut yourself inside, go out and share some good times with people you love and cherish.
Try to be grateful for at least 3 things daily, and give at least one compliment a day to anyone you like. When you share our love with others, you open the doors to let the warmth and tenderness in, embracing everyone and everything.
Awaken in your own perfection
All the tips given here will work best if you adjust them to your needs and wishes. Winter offers plenty of time to read, test and examine different scents, herbs and techniques, so by the end of the winter, you will know exactly what is the best for you. Take time to connect with your true nature and awaken in your own perfection, whilst being embraced by nature.
If you have any questions, or you would like to share your experiences with me, discuss any of the tips in detail or even learn some new ones write to me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..